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Continuing the CLIMB: Re-Entry Job and Resource Fair/ Court in the Community Event
May 28 @ 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
In partnership with, City of Fort Worth, Cornerstone Assistance Network, Envision Center, Goodwill North Central Texas, Redemption Bridge, Reentry First Stop Center for Tarrant County, Tarrant County, Unlocking Doors and Workforce Solutions for Tarrant County, we will be hosting a job and resource fair. The focus will primarily be on employment opportunities for individuals with challenged backgrounds.
Job Fair & Resource Partners:
Meet with 70+ Re-Entry and Veteran-friendly area employers looking to fill employment vacancies. Computers will be made available for online application submissions. Organizations will also be on site to connect attendees with programs and services such as clothing, education, financial literacy, health, job search tips and training opportunities, legal services, rental assistance, shelter, transportation, utility assistance and more.
Court in the Community:
Individuals with outstanding citations with the Fort Worth Municipal Court can pre-register and appear without fear of arrest for their cases, to resolve their outstanding cases and may be eligible for alternatives such as community service or a reduction in their fine based on ability to pay.
This event is only for Fort Worth citations (i.e. any Class C criminal case filed with the Court such as traffic violations, ordinance violations, and penal code violations through the issuance of a citation).
For more information on Court in the Community call 817-392-6700.
No Cost Job Fair Preparation Workshops:
Learn more by clicking on the links below. Let us help you prepare for this important job fair. We provide: Interview Assistance, Resume Review and much much more!
Workforce Solutions for Tarrant County Workshops and Resources
Workforce Solutions for Tarrant County Re-Entry Focused Workshops
Goodwill of North Central Texas Workshops and Resources
Job Seekers
Job Seeker registration opening soon
Employer Registration opening soon