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Microsoft Workshop: Fundamentals of Word

Workforce Solutions for Tarrant County is proud to be partnering with Microsoft to bring you informative workshops to help you sharpen your skills and land your next career.   Learn the many new features of Word and improve your productivity at home, school or work. During this workshop attendees will learn how to create professional documents using Word to make their life more productive with: Resume Assistant Dictation and Immersive Reader Interview tips Editor Templates Accessibility Registration is required, please click...

Microsoft Workshop: Rock Your LinkedIn Profile

Workforce Solutions for Tarrant County is proud to be partnering with Microsoft to bring you informative workshops to help you sharpen your skills and land your next career. Join us for a free, virtual two-hour workshop and discover how to rock your LinkedIn profile. Get a hands-on start to developing a stellar profile and learn how to grow your professional LinkedIn skills. Build your online brand, engage with your network, and sharpen your resume. For the best experience, please use...

Microsoft Workshop: Rock Your LinkedIn Profile

Workforce Solutions for Tarrant County is proud to be partnering with Microsoft to bring you informative workshops to help you sharpen your skills and land your next career.   Join us for a free, virtual two-hour workshop and discover how to rock your LinkedIn profile. Get a hands-on start to developing a stellar profile and learn how to grow your professional LinkedIn skills. Build your online brand, engage with your network, and sharpen your resume. For the best experience, please...