Workforce News

Workforce Solutions for Tarrant County celebrates Five Awards at the 26th Annual Texas Workforce Commission Conference

Press Release

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                              

Media Contact: Lacey Douglas, Workforce Solutions
Phone: 817.823.0533 / Email:

Workforce Solutions for Tarrant County celebrates Five Awards at the 26th Annual Texas Workforce Commission Conference 

TARRANT COUNY, Texas (December 11, 2023) – Workforce Solutions for Tarrant County (WSTC) was celebrated at the 26th Annual Texas Workforce Commission Conference held in Houston from Nov. 29 to Dec. 1, 2023. WSTC walked away with awards in five categories, two of those prizes included TWC Performance Incentive awards totaling $125,000. Monetary awards for achievement in these categories will be used to enhance workforce service programs during the next year.

The theme of this year’s conference was “Many Paths, One Mission,” and it brought together leaders and innovators in workforce development and education from across the state. Great work is being done across our state. We are proud to share the accomplishments of Workforce Solutions for Tarrant County in the following categories:

2023 AEL Coenrollment Award (3rd Place): The $25,000 Best in Class award recognizes Adult Education and Literacy (AEL) grant recipients and fiscal agents, for their efforts in meeting state or federal performance measures.

2023 AEL Scholar of the Year: Both nominees Melanie Lisseth Intriago Manjoud and Ryan Osborn that WSTC submitted for the Texas Workforce Commission 2024 AEL Scholar of the Year were selected! The awards highlights the academic work of these scholars and our commitment to upskilling Texans. Only six were selected in the state and two are from Tarrant County!

Service to Job Seekers (1st Place): This $100,000 award highlights our efforts to provide valuable resources and support to individuals seeking meaningful employment opportunities.

Bell Employer Award of Excellence: Bell was recognized for their active involvement with WSTC and their positive impact on employers, workers and the community.

FLAT CAT: WSTC was awarded with an autographed cutout of Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) Commissioner representing Labor, Alberto Treviño for rising to the challenge issued by his office in June.  They tasked the 28 Workforce Board in Texas to including FLAT CAT (Commissioner Alberto Treviño) on our workforce activities as he navigated his new role in Texas. WSTC posted the most FLAT CAT activity on our social media and won first prize!


About Workforce Solutions for Tarrant County

Workforce Solutions for Tarrant County (WSTC), under the direction of the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC), is one of 28 local workforce development boards located throughout the state. WSTC’s primary goal is to meet the needs of Tarrant County employers and workers through locally designed market-driven workforce development initiatives and services. All employers, workers and job seekers are eligible to take advantage of these services. The 29-member Workforce Development Board (WDB) is made up of business and community leaders and is chaired by Tyrone Taylor, with Six Flags. The WDB works in partnership with the Workforce Governing Board (WGB), which is composed of Fort Worth Mayor Mattie Parker, Arlington Mayor Jim Ross and chaired by Tarrant County Judge Tim O’Hare, to oversee Workforce services in Tarrant County. More information can be found at or by calling 817-413-4000.

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