Workforce News

WSTC receives one of the Texas Talent Connection grants

Breaking News

Workforce Solutions for Tarrant County is proud to announce that we were awarded one of the Texas Talent Connection grants funded by the Office of the Governor Greg Abbott. We will use the funds for our Neighborhood Initiative Strategy project serving Tarrant County. Multiple area partners were also awarded funding, BIG things are happening in Tarrant County and we are excited to be a part of it! Congratulations to all.

Official Announcement from the Governors Office


About Workforce Solutions for Tarrant County

Workforce Solutions for Tarrant County (WSTC), under the direction of the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC), is one of 28 local workforce development boards located throughout the state. WSTC’s primary goal is to meet the needs of Tarrant County employers and workers through locally designed market-driven workforce development initiatives and services. All employers, workers and job seekers are eligible to take advantage of these services. The 29-member Workforce Development Board (WDB) is made up of business and community leaders and is chaired by Tyrone Taylor, with Six Flags. The WDB works in partnership with the Workforce Governing Board (WGB), which is composed of Fort Worth Mayor Mattie Parker, Arlington Mayor Jim Ross and chaired by Tarrant County Judge Tim O’Hare, to oversee Workforce services in Tarrant County. More information can be found at or by calling 817-413-4000.

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