Letters of Support Requests

Workforce Solutions for Tarrant County is often asked for letters of support from organizations seeking grants from local, state, federal or private funders.

We provide those letters in the following instances and with the following data:

  1. We have worked with your organization in the past and can verify your organization’s ability to obtain and successfully execute a grant in both performance and financial accountability. In some cases, this may not be relevant, but they are few. The exceptions are largely when we are a partner in the grant, have helped develop it, and are part of the budget.
  2. A summary of the grant must be included, which clearly spells out the following:
  • Expectations of the Board and its contractors. (We reserve the right to change these expectations to align with what we provide within our centers as part of our mission.)

We want to support additional community and regional funding for workforce development and residents seeking a career pathway.  This funding may be in the form of alleviating or solving an issue related to workforce development that poses a barrier to participation within our economy. The Board is unable to provide a letter providing “specific” amounts of match or leverage within a letter of support. We will commit to the development of a Memorandum of Understanding upon award of the grant which spells out the specific expectations of each partner.

There are exceptions to this. We will review these requests on a case-by-case basis.

  • Time period of the grant, other partners in the grant, and purpose/problem the grant is proposing to address.
  • Expected outcomes of the grant in general terms.

TIME PERIOD FOR REQUEST. The Board requires these requests at least two weeks before the grant is due for submission.  We highly encourage requests for Letters of Support be sent to us as early as possible, but two weeks is the minimum amount of time to provide an opportunity to review and consider the request adequately.

Message Us

Request Letter of Support

Please fill out the form and Workforce Solutions for Tarrant County staff will reach out for more information.

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